Range Technology AFM Disabler Problems and Fixes

You have been using the range technology AFM and noticed that your car has started lagging, and the engine power is down because of not utilizing all cylinders. So you decide to disable the range technology AFM. You know it is the best action, but you still need help. This article will highlight the problems and fixes of an AFM disabler.

Range Technology AFM Disabler Problems and Fixes

About the Range Technology AFM Disabler

The range technology AFM disabler is a device that helps rectify the damage done by an active fuel management system. Active fuel management regulates the fuel consumption in v6 and v8 cars by reducing the number of cylinders in use by half. For v6 vehicles, only three cylinders are in use, and for v8, four cylinders are in use.

Well, this all seems like a positive move in reducing fuel consumption, but in hindsight, several engine failures are caused by the engine not being used at its total capacity. In this case, the active fuel management system slashes the engine power by half.

The range technology AFM disabler attempts to restore the engine to work at total capacity. The disabler helps your car achieve maximum power, making the car lag. The AFM disabler promotes engine health. However, if you have been using the disabler, you will notice an increase in fuel.

What Are the Benefits of an AFM Disabler

Using an AFM disabler and opting for active fuel management has its benefits. Both methods serve a purpose in the car need you require. Here are some of the benefits of using an active fuel management disabler.

Increased Engine Health

Using active fuel management reduces engine health by suppressing some of the cylinders. A v6 or v8 car is a powerful vehicle designed for heavy lifting and offroad adventures; thus, a powerful engine capacity is needed.

The engine power is tested and proven to be the car’s preferred strength. Suppressing the power will gravely damage the engine making the car lag and gradually lose its magic.

Prevents Lag

An active fuel management disabler helps your car achieve its full potential. Continued use of a v6 or v8 car without a disabler makes it slower and less powerful, which, honestly what you signed up for. You choose to invest in a powerful car for the thrill of a roaring engine, and using the car without the disabler quite frankly robs you of that experience.

Increases Fuel Economy

Fuel economy is the total distance a car can cover with a specific amount of fuel added without any top-ups. Although the active fuel management system reduces the amount of fuel used, disabling it means that the car is faster and more robust, meaning you can reach your destination faster without depleting the fuel.

Saves Cylinders

An active fuel management system means that some cylinders stop working while others overwork. Unless you introduce the dynamic fuel management system, the same cylinders will overwork and eventually get damaged.

A dynamic fuel management system works similarly to the active fuel management system, only that it uses technology to keep track of which cylinders are in use.

Range Technology AFM Disabler Problems and Fixes

Common Range, AFM Disabler Problems

With all the good an active fuel management disabler does, many drivers experience common problems when using the disabler.

Increased Stress on Engine

The engine is bound to feel the pressure from not using the disabler and now using it. Initially, the active fuel management system compressed the engine power, and now it works at total capacity by disabling it.

To fix this, you will need to assess the damage the active fuel management system did to the engine. You can consult with your mechanic or authorized repair shop.

Noisy Exhauster

Disabling the active fuel management system will unmask a lot of noise caused by the exhaust. The noise may result from the continuous engine and exhaust pipe straining over the years. Apart from disrupting you, the noise from the exhaust pipe can be classified as pollution if left unchecked.

You can have a silencer added to the car to fix the issue of noise pollution. The silencer will reduce the noise and further reduce the strain on the car engine.

Lifter Breakdown

Continued use of the active fuel management disabler may result in the breakdown of the lifter. A broken lifter can cause severe damage and prevent the car from moving. The AFM lifter suppresses a range of cylinders from working to preserving fuel. The whole system could crush when a disabler is in use.

Fixing and preventing an active fuel management lifter breakdown requires thorough and frequent car maintenance, including oiling car parts, checking for issues, cleaning the lifter, and servicing.

Passive Disabler

Sometimes you invest in a disabler, hoping that it will rectify your car cylinders to perform at total capacity, and it does not seem to happen. You have invested vast amounts of money into buying and installing a disabler, which does not work; this happens when the disabler and car are not communicating.

Another reason why an active fuel management disabler needs to communicate is likely because of shoddy installation. The person installing the disabler may have installed it wrong or missed a few steps making it unresponsive to the car.

The passive nature of the disabler to the car results from a lack of compatibility. It would be best if you made sure that the disabler you purchased for your car is compatible with the car model.

Also, make sure to have the disabler installed correctly. You can always call your mechanic or double-check with the manual provided.

Outdated Disabler

The car’s software constantly changes, and an outdated fuel management disabler affects how the disabler functions. The problem with an outdated disabler is that it will need to be more responsive to the car’s needs. An outdated software, if it works, will have only some of the features of a disabler which beats the logic of having a disabler anyway.

The active fuel management disabler works on a system, and systems need constant updates to work effectively and efficiently.

Invest in purchasing an active fuel management disabler that is current with all the added and updated features for maximum performance.

How Common Is AFM Lifter Failure

Active fuel management lifter failure is common. The AFM lifter reduces fuel consumption by having half of the cylinders in v6 and v8 cars working. It is the process the AFM disabler works to prevent.

The AFM lifter failure happens when the system is not cared for properly. The process is bound to fail without oiling and pepper servicing the part. When the lifter fails, the cylinders do not operate as they are supposed to, often leading to a miscommunication between valves and could cause a complete breakdown of the car.

Are AFM Disablers Safe

Active fuel management disablers are generally safe, majorly when used appropriately. From the issues discussed above, when an active fuel management disabler is used or installed wrongly, it can cause problems for you and others around you.

Take, for example, the issue of noise pollution, which is a nuisance to you and the people around you. Nevertheless, a faulty AFM disabler can cause issues with your engine and gradually damage the car. Before purchasing a disabler, you must ensure it is safe for use and have your mechanic test it.

If used correctly, the only downside of having an active fuel management disabler is that it consumes a lot of fuel. A person who did not have it disabled from the get-go will have difficulty adjusting to this new lifestyle.

Range Technology AFM Disabler Reviews

Most of the reviews on Amazon about the range technology AFM are positive, with many of the verified purchases awarding the active fuel manager disabler 5-star ratings. Several reviews praise the disablers’ longevity; others cite that it does what it says it does.

The reviews left on the Range Technology also have 5-star ratings, with all the verified purchasers happy with their disablers. Some even boast about the increased health of their engines.

So, Should You Disable AFM

Disabling the active fuel management system is entirely up to your car’s specific needs. Disabling the active fuel management system has positive and negative consequences. For example, people conscious about the amount of fuel they use should reconsider disabling the AFM because once it is gone, the amount of fuel they will use will increase.

For people who want to conserve the longevity of their engines and batteries, disabling the active fuel management system is the best move. As discussed earlier, the active fuel management system conserves fuel by only utilizing half cylinders in the car; by doing this, the engine is at risk.

In conclusion, the range technology active fuel disabler is the perfect device to save the engine and car longevity. The disabler is designed to reverse damages caused to the engine when the active fuel management system is enabled. The disabler improves engine efficiency and is an excellent investment toward improving engine life.

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Author: Dave Johnston

Dave is a hands-on automotive technician with experience in performing service, diagnostics, and repairs on domestic and imported vehicles. He enjoys writing and sharing his knowledge far and wide.

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