Have you received a P0336 code in your car? If your car has trouble starting, it could be that the signal from your crankshaft position sensor is not connecting with the rest of the car. This guide will give you the common causes and symptoms of the P0336 code and what to do to fix it.

What Is a P0336 Code?
A P0336 code means your car’s engine control module detected irregular voltage from the crankshaft position sensor. Typically if this code appears, the issue is severe. You will want to find a safe place to pull over.
The headache brought with the code may mean the car won’t start, possibly leaving you stranded. It is imperative to fix the problem as soon as possible to avoid additional engine damage.
What Is the Cause of Code P0336?
There are many causes for the P0336 code to appear. Here are the five most common.
Damaged or Defective Crankshaft Position Sensor
Over time, through ordinary wear, the crankshaft position sensor can break. It is also possible that your car came with a faulty crankshaft position sensor. Both issues are the most common for the P0336 code to appear.
Crankshaft Position Sensor Poor Connection
Magnet shavings from the crankshaft position sensor are prone to getting stuck on the sensor. This issue may cause the crankshaft position sensor to fail and give the P0336 code.
Defective or Damaged Reluctor Ring
The reluctor wheel may have broken or snapped. The teeth on the ring can also wear down, causing the problem to appear.
Frayed Wiring and Burned Out Circuits
Due to the hot environment under the hood and the engine, it is common for wires to burn or melt. The same burning and melting can happen to the many circuits associated with the crankshaft position sensor.
Defective Engine Control Module (ECM)
If you are getting the P0336 code, but nothing seems abnormal in how the car is driving, we recommend you go to a mechanic to check the issue.
The crankshaft position sensor may be breaking, and your car is giving you a heads-up that the problem is worsening.
On the other hand, it could also be that your ECM has gone bad, and is falsely giving you the message.
The distinction can be hard to see with untrained eyes, so we recommend you see your local mechanic and find out the real issue. It’s better to clearly diagnose the issue to avoid replacing something that doesn’t need to be replaced.
P0336 Symptoms
These are the most common symptoms that your crankshaft position sensor is going bad.
Check Engine Light Is On
Typically, this will be your car pushing you to check and see if it is displaying any codes. The car can give off the P0336 code without a check engine light. If this is the case, you will undoubtedly know something is wrong based on how the car is driving.
Stalling During Acceleration
If your car stalls while you try to speed up, it is possible that your car is displaying the P0336 code.
The Car Engine Won’t Restart or Dies Immediately
If your car engine won’t start, or it dies immediately, the first thing to do is see if the car is displaying any codes. The P0336 code may be the one that shows up.
Less Gas Mileage
If you believe you’re getting fewer miles on a full tank than you used to, your car may be displaying the P0336 code.

How Do You Fix Code P0336?
Typically, the P0366 code can be fixed by replacing the crankshaft position sensor.
Tools and Equipment Needed
- Hand Tools
- Multimeter
- Car Manual
- Scanner (Optional)
Step 1
Scan to check that the P0336 code is present. If you don’t have a scanner, you may be able to check the code without a scanner. Search online how to check codes with your specific model and year of car.
Step 2
Find the crankshaft position sensor and see if the wiring is damaged, melted, or frayed. Be sure to ensure that the sensor is properly connected and not loose.
Some click into place. Your car manual may give you insight into how your crankshaft position sensor connects.
If your sensor has three wires branching off, see step 3. If your sensor has two wires, see step 4.
Step 3 (Three Wires)
Connect your multimeter. Make sure the sensor is grounded (One wire is ground), and make sure the other two wires are keeping a steady 12-volt reading.
Step 4 (Two Wires)
Remove the crankshaft position sensor, and connect your multimeter to its wiring. Put a screwdriver or wrench in front of the sensor (The side that faces the reluctor ring).
Check its voltage reading. If the multimeter is reading any voltage, the sensor works. If not, the crankshaft position sensor needs to be replaced.
Step 5
If the crankshaft position sensor appears to be working, you should check the reluctor ring. Rotate the sensor and make sure that all the teeth are the same.
The reluctor ring should not be able to move as it is fit into place with the crankshaft position sensor.
If you still haven’t found any issues, you may still consider replacing the sensor as the diagnosis can be hard to read if it’s not currently having issues.
It also may be a good idea to have your car inspected by your local mechanic to get a more thorough analysis of the automobile.
Can You Drive With a P0336 Code?
You should not drive your car. It will be unreliable and potentially unsafe. At any point in time, your vehicle may stall and fail. Your engine can also get damaged depending on the issue.
How Much Does It Cost to Repair a P0336 Code?
Depending on what is causing the P0336 error code and what needs to be fixed, these are your typical costs. These prices do not include labor if you go to a mechanic:
- Crankshaft position sensor part – $200 – $260
- Wiring replacement – $100 – $1000
- Reluctor ring part – $60 – $800