20 Mistakes That Make Your Car an Easy Target for Break-Ins

Keeping your car safe from break-ins requires more than just locking the doors. Simple mistakes can make your vehicle an easy target for thieves. Here are common mistakes that increase the risk of car break-ins and how to avoid them.

Leaving Valuables in Plain Sight

Image Editorial Credit: KPG-Payless / Shutterstock.com

Leaving valuables such as laptops, purses, or shopping bags in plain sight can attract thieves. This mistake makes it clear that there are items worth stealing inside the car. To avoid this, always store valuables out of sight, preferably in the trunk or a locked glove compartment. Tip: Consider using a car cover or sunshade to further obscure the interior from prying eyes.

Not Locking Your Doors

Image Editorial Credit: sixninepixels / Shutterstock.com

One of the simplest yet most common mistakes is failing to lock your car doors. Unlocked doors make it easy for thieves to access your vehicle. Always double-check that your doors are locked before leaving your car, even if you’re only stepping away for a short time. Tip: Use your key fob’s lock button to ensure all doors are securely locked.

Parking in Dark or Isolated Areas

Image Editorial Credit: Mat Fascione / Wikimedia Commons

Parking in poorly lit or isolated areas increases the likelihood of a break-in. Thieves prefer these spots as they offer more cover and less chance of being seen. To reduce the risk, park in well-lit, busy areas where there are more witnesses. Tip: If possible, park near security cameras or in monitored parking lots.

Not Using an Alarm System

Image Editorial Credit: Pirakorn Nudol / Shutterstock.com

Cars without alarm systems are easier targets for thieves. An alarm system can deter break-ins by drawing attention to the thief’s activities. If your car doesn’t have an alarm system, consider installing one. Tip: Display stickers or decals that indicate your car is equipped with an alarm system to further deter thieves.

Leaving Windows Open

Image Editorial Credit: Cornelius Krishna Tedjo / Shutterstock.com

Even partially open windows can provide easy access for thieves. They can use tools to unlock the door or grab items inside. Always close and lock all windows before leaving your car. Tip: Use your car’s auto-close feature if it has one, to ensure all windows are closed when you lock the car.

Forgetting to Remove GPS Devices

Image Editorial Credit: michaeljung / Shutterstock.com

Visible GPS devices or their mounts can signal to thieves that there might be valuable electronics inside the car. Remove GPS devices and their mounts from the windshield or dashboard when you leave your car. Tip: Wipe away any suction cup marks that might indicate a GPS device was present.

Leaving Spare Keys Inside the Car

Image Editorial Credit: North Monaco / Shutterstock.com

Leaving spare keys inside the car, such as under the floor mat or in the glove compartment, can make it easy for thieves to drive away with your vehicle. Always take your keys with you and avoid hiding spare keys in obvious places. Tip: Keep spare keys in a secure, non-obvious location outside the car.

Ignoring Broken Locks

Image Editorial Credit: Goffi / Shutterstock.com

Broken locks make it easy for thieves to access your car. If you notice any issues with your car’s locks, have them repaired immediately. Tip: Regularly check the functionality of your car locks to ensure they are working properly.

Not Using Steering Wheel Locks

Image Editorial Credit: Daisy Daisy / Shutterstock.com

Steering wheel locks add an extra layer of security by making it harder for thieves to drive away with your car. Use a steering wheel lock whenever you park your car to deter potential thieves. Tip: Choose a high-quality, visible steering wheel lock for maximum deterrent effect.

Leaving Your Car Running

Image Editorial Credit: Vahagn Mkrtchyan / Shutterstock.com

Leaving your car running while unattended, even for a short time, provides an easy opportunity for thieves. Always turn off the engine and take your keys with you when leaving the vehicle. Tip: If you need to keep the car running for any reason, use a remote start system that allows you to lock the doors while the engine is on.

Not Using a Car Cover

Image Editorial Credit: Paul Keller / Flickr

A car cover can obscure the contents of your car and make it less attractive to thieves. Use a car cover when parking in unfamiliar or high-risk areas. Tip: Choose a car cover that is easy to put on and take off to ensure you use it consistently.

Leaving Important Documents in the Car

Image Editorial Credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock.com

Important documents such as registration, insurance papers, or personal identification should not be left in the car, as they can be used for identity theft or vehicle theft. Take these documents with you or store them in a secure location. Tip: Keep photocopies of important documents at home and only carry the necessary ones when driving.

Not Installing Anti-Theft Devices

Image Editorial Credit: Laneakea / Shutterstock.com

Anti-theft devices like kill switches, tracking systems, and immobilizers can prevent car theft or help recover a stolen vehicle. Consider installing these devices to enhance your car’s security. Tip: Research and invest in reputable anti-theft devices that are suitable for your car model.

Leaving Sunglasses or Accessories Visible

Image Editorial Credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.com

Even small items like sunglasses or accessories can attract thieves. Store these items out of sight when leaving your car. Tip: Use storage compartments in your car to keep small valuables hidden.

Parking with Wheels Turned

Image Editorial Credit: Aviavlad / Shutterstock.com

Parking with your wheels turned towards the curb makes it harder for thieves to tow your car. This simple step can deter potential thefts. Tip: Always turn your wheels when parking on a slope or in an area prone to theft.

Not Using a Parking Brake

Image Editorial Credit: Azami Adiputera / Shutterstock.com

Using a parking brake adds an extra layer of difficulty for thieves attempting to tow your car. Engage the parking brake every time you park. Tip: Make using the parking brake a habit to ensure your car is always secure.

Leaving Your Garage Door Opener in the Car

Image Editorial Credit: Penyushkina / Shutterstock.com

Leaving your garage door opener in the car provides easy access to your home if your car is broken into. Take the opener with you or use a portable opener that you can carry. Tip: Consider a garage door opener with a keypad entry system for added security.

Not Etching VIN on Windows

Image Editorial Credit: Hans Haase / Wikimedia Commons

Etching your car’s VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on the windows can deter thieves, as it makes it harder to sell the car or its parts. Many police departments offer VIN etching services. Tip: Check if your local law enforcement offers free or low-cost VIN etching programs.

Leaving Shopping Bags Visible

Image Editorial Credit: Vovatol / Shutterstock.com

Leaving shopping bags or packages in plain sight can attract thieves looking for valuable items. Store these items in the trunk or cover them with a blanket. Tip: Plan your errands so that you can drop off purchases at home before continuing to other destinations.

Not Using a Dash Cam

Image Editorial Credit: Casezy idea / Shutterstock.com

Dash cams can act as a deterrent for thieves, as they may be reluctant to break into a car with a visible camera. Install a dash cam that records both inside and outside the vehicle. Tip: Choose a dash cam with a parking mode feature that continues recording when the car is parked.

This article originally appeared in MyCarMakesNoise.

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Author: Dave Johnston

Dave is a hands-on automotive technician with experience in performing service, diagnostics, and repairs on domestic and imported vehicles. He enjoys writing and sharing his knowledge far and wide.

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