13 Haunted Highways That Will Give You Chills

Embark on a spine-chilling journey through some of the most haunted highways around the world. From shadowy figures that vanish into thin air to eerie legends that have stood the test of time, these roads offer more than just a drive—they promise an unforgettable adventure into the paranormal. Perfect for thrill-seekers and ghost hunters alike, each route is steeped in mystery and ghostly tales that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Clinton Road, New Jersey

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Known for its dark and winding path, Clinton Road is steeped in legends of paranormal activity. Tales of ghostly vehicles, phantom gatherings, and eerie creatures like the infamous “Albino Deer” make this route a hotspot for those seeking supernatural thrills. The secluded nature of the road amplifies the fear factor, making every shadow and noise a potential ghostly encounter.

The Old Alton Bridge, Texas

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Known locally as Goatman’s Bridge, this eerie bridge and the road leading to it are shrouded in a terrifying legend of a demonic figure known as the Goatman. According to local folklore, this half-man, half-goat creature was the result of dark rituals and now seeks vengeance against those who dare cross the bridge at night. The chilling atmosphere and the sudden temperature drops add to the spine-tingling experience.

Highway 491, Colorado

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Formerly known as Highway 666, this route carries tales of skinwalkers, hellhounds, and haunted semi-trucks. Local legends speak of Native American curses and mysterious disappearances, offering a chilling backdrop for anyone daring enough to traverse this highway after sunset.

Archer Avenue, Illinois

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Stretching through the southwest suburbs of Chicago, Archer Avenue is known for its ghostly encounters with the famous Resurrection Mary, a vanishing hitchhiker who has been reportedly seen since the 1930s. The avenue also passes several haunted sites like St. James-Sag Church and Resurrection Cemetery, adding layers of ghostly lore for explorers.

Highway 12, Utah

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This scenic route, also known as “The Journey Through Time Scenic Byway,” might offer breathtaking landscapes by day, but by night, it becomes a hotspot for paranormal activity. Travelers have reported strange orbs and figures dressed in pioneer clothing, appearing and disappearing into the night. The isolated stretches between the red rock formations create an unsettling travel experience, perfect for those hunting for a ghostly encounter.

Gold Camp Road, Colorado

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Tunnels along this historic road are said to be haunted by the spirits of miners who died in explosions. The most notorious is Tunnel Three, where the screams of children, who perished when a school bus crashed and trapped them inside, can still be heard echoing against the walls. The claustrophobic tunnels coupled with the tragic history make this road a nerve-wracking exploration site.

Tuen Mun Road, Hong Kong

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This busy highway is notorious not only for its traffic accidents but also for the ghosts that supposedly cause them. Drivers report seeing apparitions that suddenly appear in the middle of the road, leading to swerves and crashes. The frequent sightings of these spectral figures have made Tuen Mun Road a feared path for many local drivers and an intriguing one for ghost hunters.

The Screaming Tunnel, Ontario

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Located beneath the railway tracks near Niagara Falls, this limestone tunnel is haunted by the ghost of a young girl who, legend has it, died inside from burns when her farm caught fire. The screams heard are so vivid that locals say if you light a match in the middle of the tunnel at night, it will be extinguished by her screams. This eerie phenomenon attracts those curious about the paranormal and the macabre.

Epping Forest, England

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This ancient forest in Essex is notorious for its ghostly sightings, including the infamous highwayman Dick Turpin. Travelers and local visitors often report seeing shadowy figures on horseback, mysterious mists that appear from nowhere, and sudden, eerie silences that envelop the forest. The dense woodland and historical tales of murder and banditry make Epping Forest a hauntingly attractive destination for paranormal enthusiasts.

Dead Man’s Curve, Ohio

Image Editorial Credit: Michael T Hartman / Shutterstock.com

This sharply curved stretch of road in Clermont County has been the site of numerous fatal accidents over the decades. The curve is notorious not only for its danger but also for the ghostly apparitions of a faceless hitchhiker that is said to roam the roadside, disappearing into the air when approached or passed.

The A3 Motorway, Croatia

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Known locally as the “Highway to Hell,” this stretch of road has seen an unusually high number of fatal accidents and strange occurrences. Drivers report sightings of faceless hitchhikers and phantom vehicles that cause real accidents, then vanish without a trace. The sinister reputation and the unexplained phenomena make the A3 Motorway a terrifying yet compelling route for those interested in the supernatural.

Pine Barrens, New Jersey

Image Editorial Credit: Andrew F. Kazmierski / Shutterstock.com

The home of the legendary Jersey Devil, the Pine Barrens offers more than just miles of deserted roads. Travelers through this dense forest report eerie sounds, strange footprints, and fleeting glimpses of the creature itself. The combination of natural isolation and rich folklore makes the Pine Barrens a must-visit for anyone chasing the thrill of a supernatural encounter.

Jamestown Road, Virginia

Image Editorial Credit: OJUP / Shutterstock.com

In the heart of historic Virginia, Jamestown Road is haunted by the spirits of the first settlers who died during the “starving time” in the early 17th century. The road near the old settlement is said to have sightings of colonial ghosts, often seen searching for food or appearing in the trees.

This article originally appeared on MyCarMakesNoise.

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Author: Dave Johnston

Dave is a hands-on automotive technician with experience in performing service, diagnostics, and repairs on domestic and imported vehicles. He enjoys writing and sharing his knowledge far and wide.

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