Discover the World’s 18 Most Fascinating Railroad Museums

Railroad museums offer a unique glimpse into the history and evolution of train travel, showcasing everything from vintage locomotives to intricate model railways. In this article, we will take you on a journey to discover the 18 most fascinating railroad museums around the world. Whether you’re a train enthusiast or simply curious about the role railroads have played in shaping our history, these museums are sure to captivate and inspire. Let’s explore the remarkable stories and artifacts that make these destinations truly special.

National Railway Museum, York, England

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The National Railway Museum in York is the largest railway museum in the world, boasting an impressive collection of over 100 locomotives and nearly 300 other items of rolling stock. Highlights include the iconic Mallard, the world’s fastest steam locomotive, and the stunning Shinkansen bullet train. With interactive exhibits, a vast library, and regular events, this museum offers a comprehensive and engaging experience for all ages.

Illinois Railway Museum, Union, USA

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The Illinois Railway Museum, located in Union, Illinois, is the largest railroad museum in the United States. It features over 450 pieces of historic railway equipment, including steam and diesel locomotives, passenger cars, and streetcars. The museum also offers rides on vintage trains, allowing visitors to experience the golden age of rail travel firsthand. Its extensive collection and interactive experiences make it a must-visit.

Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario, Smiths Falls, Canada

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Situated in Smiths Falls, Ontario, this museum showcases the region’s rich railway history through a collection of artifacts, rolling stock, and a fully restored 1912 Canadian Northern Railway station. Highlights include vintage locomotives and cabooses, as well as a variety of railway memorabilia. The museum offers guided tours, interactive displays, and special events, providing a captivating journey into Canada’s railway past.

Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin, Germany

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The Deutsches Technikmuseum in Berlin offers a comprehensive look at the history of technology, with a significant focus on railways. Its extensive collection includes historic locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts, showcasing the evolution of rail transport in Germany. The museum’s interactive exhibits and hands-on activities make it an engaging destination for visitors of all ages, blending education with entertainment.

California State Railroad Museum, Sacramento, USA

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Located in Old Sacramento, the California State Railroad Museum is one of North America’s largest and most comprehensive railroad museums. It features meticulously restored locomotives and railway cars, interactive exhibits, and a full-scale diorama of the transcontinental railroad construction. The museum’s exhibits highlight the role of railroads in shaping California’s history, making it a fascinating visit for history buffs and rail enthusiasts alike.

Eisenbahnmuseum, Bochum, Germany

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The Eisenbahnmuseum in Bochum is Germany’s largest private railway museum, offering a vast collection of historic steam, diesel, and electric locomotives. Set in a former railway depot, the museum provides a unique, immersive experience with operational train rides, guided tours, and hands-on exhibits. Its impressive collection and focus on interactive learning make it a standout destination for railway enthusiasts.

National Railroad Museum, Green Bay, USA

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The National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin, features an extensive collection of locomotives, rolling stock, and railway memorabilia. Key exhibits include the Union Pacific Big Boy, one of the largest steam locomotives ever built, and the Dwight D. Eisenhower locomotive and its British carriages. The museum offers educational programs, train rides, and special events, making it a dynamic and educational experience for all visitors.

Railway Museum, Saitama, Japan

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Located in Saitama, Japan, this museum offers an immersive exploration of the country’s rich railway history. Its collection includes over 30 trains, from historic steam locomotives to modern bullet trains. Interactive exhibits, simulators, and a miniature railway provide engaging experiences for visitors. The museum’s emphasis on both historical and technological advancements makes it a fascinating destination.

Swiss Transport Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland

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The Swiss Transport Museum in Lucerne covers all modes of transport, with a significant section dedicated to railways. It features an extensive collection of locomotives, railway cars, and related artifacts, highlighting Switzerland’s engineering prowess and the importance of rail travel in the country. Interactive displays, simulators, and a large model railway make it a family-friendly and educational experience.

Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Holywood, Northern Ireland

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This museum in Holywood, Northern Ireland, combines a folk museum with a transport museum, offering a comprehensive look at the region’s history and transportation heritage. The transport section includes a range of railway locomotives, carriages, and artifacts, providing insights into the development of rail travel in Northern Ireland. The museum’s interactive exhibits and living history demonstrations create an engaging and educational experience.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum, Baltimore, USA

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Located in Baltimore, Maryland, this museum is dedicated to the history of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, America’s first commercial railroad. The museum’s collection includes historic locomotives, rolling stock, and railway artifacts, housed in a historic roundhouse. Interactive exhibits and train rides provide a hands-on experience, making it a captivating destination for railway enthusiasts and history buffs.

Railway Museum, Utrecht, Netherlands

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The Railway Museum in Utrecht, Netherlands, offers a comprehensive look at the history of Dutch railways. Its collection includes historic locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts, presented in a series of interactive exhibits and themed displays. The museum’s engaging exhibits, including train rides and simulations, make it a family-friendly destination and a fascinating exploration of the Netherlands’ railway heritage.

Russian Railway Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Image Editorial Credit: bellena /

Located in St. Petersburg, the Russian Railway Museum showcases the history of rail transport in Russia through an extensive collection of locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts. The museum’s interactive exhibits and detailed displays provide insights into the development of Russian railways and their role in the country’s history. Its impressive collection and engaging presentation make it a top destination for railway enthusiasts.

Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum, Utrecht, Netherlands

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This museum, also known as the Dutch Railway Museum, is located in Utrecht and offers a rich collection of historic locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts. The museum is housed in a beautifully restored railway station, providing an authentic and immersive experience. Interactive exhibits, themed displays, and train rides make it a family-friendly and educational destination.

Czech Railway Museum, Lužná, Czech Republic

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The Czech Railway Museum in Lužná is the largest railway museum in the Czech Republic, featuring an extensive collection of historic locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts. The museum is set in a former railway depot, providing a unique and immersive experience. Train rides, guided tours, and interactive exhibits make it a fascinating destination for railway enthusiasts and history buffs.

Seashore Trolley Museum, Kennebunkport, USA

Image Editorial Credit: Malachi Jacobs /

The Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, Maine, is the world’s oldest and largest museum dedicated to mass transit. Its collection includes historic streetcars, trolleys, and buses, providing a unique look at the history of public transportation. Interactive exhibits and trolley rides offer hands-on experiences, making it a fascinating destination for transportation enthusiasts and history buffs.

North Carolina Transportation Museum, Spencer, USA

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Located in Spencer, North Carolina, this museum covers all modes of transportation, with a significant focus on railways. Its collection includes historic locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts, housed in a former Southern Railway repair facility. Interactive exhibits, train rides, and guided tours provide an engaging and educational experience, highlighting the importance of rail transport in the region’s history.

Austrian Railway Museum, Strasshof, Austria

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Located in Strasshof, Austria, this museum offers a rich collection of historic locomotives, carriages, and railway artifacts, showcasing the history of rail transport in Austria. The museum is set in a former railway depot, providing an authentic and immersive experience. Interactive exhibits, train rides, and guided tours make it a fascinating destination for railway enthusiasts and history buffs.

This article originally appeared in MyCarMakesNoise.

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Author: Dave Johnston

Dave is a hands-on automotive technician with experience in performing service, diagnostics, and repairs on domestic and imported vehicles. He enjoys writing and sharing his knowledge far and wide.

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