Top 15 Safety Mistakes to Avoid at the Car Wash

Washing your car is a regular task that keeps your vehicle looking its best, but it’s important to stay safe while doing it. There are common mistakes people make that can lead to accidents or damage. In this article, we’ll cover the top 15 safety mistakes to avoid at the car wash, ensuring a safe and effective cleaning experience for you and your car.

Skipping the Safety Instructions

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Ignoring posted safety guidelines can lead to accidents or damage. Safety instructions are designed to ensure both your safety and the proper functioning of the car wash equipment. By skipping these guidelines, you risk causing damage to your vehicle or the car wash itself, leading to costly repairs and potential injury.

Leaving Windows Open

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Water and cleaning chemicals can damage the interior if windows are left open. Open windows can allow water, soap, and cleaning chemicals to seep into your car’s interior, causing stains, unpleasant odors, and potential damage to electronic components. Always double-check that all windows are securely closed before entering the car wash.

Forgetting to Fold in Mirrors

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Mirrors can be broken or damaged if not folded in. Side mirrors can easily get hit or snagged by car wash brushes and machinery if not folded in. This can lead to broken mirrors and expensive repairs. Folding in your mirrors helps protect them from damage and ensures a smoother car wash experience.

Leaving Antennas Up

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Antennas can break or damage car wash equipment if not removed or retracted. Long or rigid antennas can get caught in car wash brushes or machinery, causing them to break off or damage the equipment. Retracting or removing antennas before entering the car wash can prevent these issues.

Not Removing Loose Items

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Loose items on or inside the car can become projectiles during the wash. Items such as roof racks, bike mounts, or even items inside the car can become dangerous projectiles if not secured. Loose items can cause damage to your car, the car wash equipment, or even injure someone. Ensure everything is properly secured before starting the wash.

Ignoring Pre-Wash Instructions

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Failing to follow pre-wash steps can lead to scratches or other damage. Pre-wash instructions often include steps like rinsing off large debris or pre-treating certain areas. Ignoring these steps can result in scratches or ineffective cleaning. Following pre-wash instructions helps ensure a thorough and safe wash.

Driving Too Fast

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Speeding through the car wash can cause collisions or incomplete cleaning. Driving too fast can prevent the car wash brushes and jets from thoroughly cleaning your vehicle. It also increases the risk of collisions with car wash equipment or other vehicles. Always drive slowly and follow speed limits within the car wash.

Not Checking Clearance

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Taller vehicles may not fit properly in all car washes, leading to damage. Some car washes have height restrictions that taller vehicles may exceed. Not checking clearance can result in roof damage or getting stuck. Verify your vehicle’s height and ensure its compatible with the car wash’s specifications.

Using Improper Cleaning Supplies

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Harsh or incorrect chemicals can damage your car’s paint and finish. Using cleaning supplies not recommended by your car’s manufacturer can damage the paint, trim, and other finishes. Always use appropriate, vehicle-safe cleaning products to maintain your car’s appearance and integrity.

Neglecting Tire Alignment

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Misaligned tires can cause damage to car wash tracks and your vehicle. Misaligned tires can cause your car to veer off track, potentially damaging the car wash rails and your tires. Ensure your tires are properly aligned to prevent accidents and maintain smooth operation through the car wash.

Forgetting to Secure the Gas Cap

Is Driving Without Gas Cap Dangerous
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An unsecured gas cap can lead to fuel leaks and safety hazards. A loose gas cap can allow water and soap to enter the fuel system, causing contamination and potential engine issues. Always double-check that your gas cap is tightly secured before entering the car wash.

Leaving Windshield Wipers Up

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Wipers can get damaged or caught in the car wash machinery. Windshield wipers left up can be caught by car wash brushes or machinery, causing them to bend or break. Lower your wipers before the wash to protect them and ensure they function properly afterward.

Not Checking for Loose Parts

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Loose bumpers, trim, or other parts can be torn off during the wash. Loose or damaged parts on your car can be caught by car wash machinery, causing further damage or even tearing them off. Inspect your car for any loose parts and secure them before starting the wash.

Ignoring Warning Signs

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Failing to heed warning signs can result in accidents or damage. Car wash warning signs are there for a reason – to protect you, your vehicle, and the equipment. Ignoring these signs can lead to accidents, mechanical issues, or damage. Always pay attention to and follow all posted warnings.

Overloading the Car

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Excess weight can affect the car wash’s performance and cause mechanical issues. Overloading your vehicle can strain the car wash’s conveyor system and other machinery, leading to malfunctions or ineffective cleaning. Remove unnecessary items from your car to ensure a smooth wash.

This article originally appeared in MyCarMakesNoise.

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Author: Dave Johnston

Dave is a hands-on automotive technician with experience in performing service, diagnostics, and repairs on domestic and imported vehicles. He enjoys writing and sharing his knowledge far and wide.

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