15 Common Auto Loan Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Navigating the world of auto loans can be tricky, and making the wrong choices can cost you dearly. To help you steer clear of common pitfalls, we’ve compiled a list of 15 auto loan mistake you must avoid. From understanding your credit score to avoiding long-term financial traps, this guide will help you make informed decisions and secure the best deal for your next vehicle.

Skipping the Pre-Approval Process 

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Not getting pre-approved for an auto loan means you don’t have a clear understanding of your budget or the interest rates you qualify for. Pre-approval gives you a better idea of your financing options and strengthens your negotiating position with dealers.

Ignoring Your Credit Score

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Your credit score directly impacts the interest rates and loan terms you can secure. Ignoring it can lead to higher interest rates and less favorable loan conditions. Check your credit score and work on improving it before applying for a loan.

Not Shopping Around for the Best Rates 

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Accepting the first loan offer without comparing rates from multiple lenders can cost you thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. Shopping around ensures you get the most competitive rates and terms.

Not Considering Total Loan Cost 

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Failing to consider the total loan cost, which includes interest, fees, and other charges, can lead to financial surprises. Always calculate the full cost of the loan to understand what you’re truly paying.

Overlooking Loan Fees and Charges

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 Loan fees, such as origination fees or early repayment penalties, can significantly increase your overall loan cost. Be sure to ask about all potential fees and include them in your loan comparisons.

Choosing a Longer Loan Term

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 While longer loan terms lower monthly payments, they increase the total interest paid over the life of the loan. Opt for a shorter term if possible to save money in the long run.

Financing Add-Ons and Extras

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 Including add-ons like extended warranties or service packages in your loan increases the loan amount and interest paid. Pay for these extras separately to avoid additional interest charges.

Not Making a Down Payment

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 A larger down payment reduces the loan amount and interest paid over time, while no down payment can leave you owing more than the car is worth. Aim to make a substantial down payment to lower your overall costs.

Rolling Over Existing Debt 

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Adding existing debt from a previous car loan into your new loan increases your total debt and interest payments. This can make your financial situation more precarious and lead to higher overall costs.

Skipping the Fine Print 

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Not reading the loan agreement thoroughly can result in missing important clauses that may negatively affect your finances. Always read and understand all terms and conditions before signing any loan documents.

Underestimating Insurance Costs 

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Higher insurance premiums for newer or more expensive cars can strain your budget. Factor in insurance costs when calculating your total cost of ownership to avoid unexpected financial burdens.

Financing Through the Dealer Without Checking Other Options 

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Dealer financing might not always offer the best rates compared to banks or credit unions. Always explore multiple financing options to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

Not Budgeting for Car Ownership Costs 

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Overlooking ongoing costs such as maintenance, insurance, and fuel can lead to financial strain. Create a comprehensive budget that includes all car ownership expenses to ensure you can afford the vehicle long-term.

Borrowing More Than You Can Afford

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Taking on a loan that stretches your budget too thin can lead to missed payments and financial stress. Ensure your loan fits comfortably within your budget to maintain financial stability and avoid potential defaults.

Neglecting to Negotiate the Car Price

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Focusing only on loan terms without negotiating the car price can result in paying more than necessary. Always negotiate the car price separately from the loan terms to get the best overall deal and reduce your loan amount.

This article originally appeared in MyCarMakesNoise.

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Author: Dave Johnston

Dave is a hands-on automotive technician with experience in performing service, diagnostics, and repairs on domestic and imported vehicles. He enjoys writing and sharing his knowledge far and wide.

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